Having trouble with Comodo Antivirus? Follow these simple steps to remove it from your system.
First, open the Control Panel on your computer. You can do this by typing "Control Panel" into the search bar in the Start menu.
Once inside the Control Panel, click on "Programs" and then select "Programs and Features". This will show you a list of all the programs currently installed on your computer.
Scroll through the list of installed programs until you find Comodo Antivirus. Click on it once to highlight it.
With Comodo Antivirus selected, click the "Uninstall" button near the top of the list. Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process.
After the uninstallation is complete, it's a good idea to restart your computer to ensure all components of Comodo Antivirus are completely removed.
If you encounter issues during the uninstallation, Comodo provides a dedicated removal tool on their website. Download and run this tool to remove any remaining Comodo Antivirus files.
Uninstalling Comodo Antivirus is straightforward with the above steps. Remember to restart your computer after the process to ensure all elements are removed. If problems persist, using Comodo’s removal tool can help.